About Us

About Us

We, Murat Filo, are a car service provider that adopts customer satisfaction and quality as a principle. For more than 10 years, we have been operating in the sector and we are constantly improving ourselves to provide the best service to our customers. Our mission is to earn the trust of our customers and provide them with an excellent car experience.

As a team, we offer a variety of car services to our customers with our specialised skills and experience in the industry. We offer a wide range of services such as car hire, sales and purchase, maintenance and repair. We work devotedly to understand the needs of each customer and provide them with the most appropriate solutions.

We attach great importance to quality to ensure customer satisfaction. By utilising the latest technology and the best equipment, we guarantee high standards of service to our customers. In addition, by prioritising the safety and comfort of our customers, we always take care to offer the best vehicles.

As Murat Fleet, we attach great importance to corporate values and ethical standards. Transparency, honesty and customer orientation form the basis of our principles. We endeavour to conduct our business within the framework of ethical rules and legal requirements.

Our employees are the most valuable assets of our company. As a team, we believe in teamwork and discover the power of working together. We attach importance to continuous learning and self-improvement. We support the talents and potential of each employee.

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